Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Friday links

it's good friday.

we are making hot cross buns today.

we are reading the story of jesus' betrayal and death on the cross. we are remembering. lingering. thanking Him.

yesterday i wept and my tears dropped onto the picture i was painting as i listened to 'watch the lamb'. i will probably listen to it again over this weekend and weep again.

we are reenacting the easter story with these toilet paper roll figures.

Jesus, thank you. thank you for being obedient, even to death on a cross. thank you for doing it for the joy set before you. open my inner eye to see you. every moment. of every day. give me wisdom, Lord to parent these beautiful, but sinful children that you have given to me as precious gifts. give me the words to speak truth into their lives, to be You with skin on to them. today as jamie and i explain to them about your death and the importance of it in our lives, may you speak to their little hearts through us.
Thank you. Just...thank You.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Vanessa,

    We've been trying to contact you because a person whose last name is Pelissero, from Guelph, Ontario, sent a package out with my father-in-law that is intended for you. We haven't met, but we live in Kampala, and I think we may have some friends in common, which is how the Pelisseros figured we'd be able to deliver the package. Please let us know how we can get this package to you. You can email me at Thanks!


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