Wednesday, November 30, 2005

So I'm writing you this letter...

Dear God,

I know you know all things. That your ways are NOT my ways. I know that I shouldn't question you when things happen. But I can't help but ask why? What is the purpose? It seems that no matter how hard we work, people keep cancelling appointments with us. How are we supposed to ignite a fire or cast a vision to people if we can't even meet with them? How is the money supposed to come in? You said you own the cattle on a thousand hills. You've put a fire in our hearts to go to Tanzania but we won't be going if we don't get our support raised. And doesn't look like our support will be raised by the new year. I know you already know what our situation is, so please God, increase my faith. Implant in me a new hope. I feel down, discouraged and just plain sad. I know you've called me to this ministry. And I know that all things happen IN YOUR TIME. So please, I am waiting on You. Say to me what you said to the rose to make it unfold. Rain on me. Shine on me. Grow me. Make me into something beautiful. Something that reflects YOUR beauty and YOUR glory.

Your daughter,

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